Continuing Containing
Raz Mantell & Susanna Ylikoski
Workshop, Performance & Artist talk
Workshop: Samstag 25.05.2024 / 13-17 Uhr /on donation (click here)
Performance: Samstag 25.05.2024 / 19 Uhr
Artist talk in cooperation with you are warmly invited, moderated by Tessa Theisen.
Welcome to 'continuing containing, ' where we explore the question: What is collaboration? What forms can it take? And what is made possible in and through collaboration? We deal with the means and spaces in which an exchange occurs. And how this exchange is a creative act.
We want to challenge our relation to hierarchies: Ideas of beginning and end, initiation and reaction, creation and execution are broken up and transformed. In this way, space is created for a view of living together - a network, a forest, a society, a collaboration. In this, everyone and everything contributes to a force, to something that is to become.
In this way, we perceive collaboration as a political and creative act. It becomes a basis for the perception and shaping of being together and of the person in their relationship with nature. In it, we approach dance and embodiment as a practice to create new political ecologies: ways of perceiving and engaging with the lived world and its entanglements. We confront and embrace the conflict between inclusion and fear, spaces and practices of care and violence in a paradoxical relationship. ‘continuing containing’ joins the rich tradition of contemporary dance as the embodiment of a form of resistance.
We invite you to linger and encounter the materials and us in the space after the sharing has ended.
raz and susanna
Dance and choreography: Raz Mantell and Susanna Ylikoski
Thanks to: peter pleyer, Gabi Beier, michela filzi, and nein9
Gastspiel gefördert durch die Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen. Diese Maßnahme wird mitfinnaziert durch Steuermittel auf Grundlage des von den Abgeordneten des Sächsichen Landtags beschlossenen Haushaltes.
Raz Mantell is a movement artist based in Berlin. She trained as a dancer at the SEAD Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance (AU, 2018-2020) and completed the Maslool Professional Dance Programme (IL, 2017-2019). She is a member of nein9 kollektiv - a Berlin-based performance and movement collective. Raz is the recipient of a DISTANZEN-SOLO grant for 2021 and 2022 for her research project "sub-objects". As a dancer, she has worked with Rotem Weissman (The Dance, 2023 IL AGADA, Blank Check Festival, 2022 Dock11, DE), Omer Keinan (Azathoth - Blank Check Festival, 2022 Dock11, Lake Studio ), Geva Zaibert (Blue Balls, 2018 IL) and Shira Elkouby (Harmonielehre, My Condolencesת Magor 2017-2024 Suzanne Dellal Center, IL), among others.
As a creator, she works with movement artist Susanna Ylikoski on her ongoing research and performance "continuing containing". The work was performed in 2022 and 2023 at Dock11 (DE) and Spandau Arcaden as part of the AUFBRUCH Festival by Stadttheater Spandau and was a guest residency in collaboration with ada Studios Berlin (residency funding for dance from the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe 2023).
Susanna Ylikoski (FI) is a dancer, writer, and creator and has been living and working in the Berlin freelance scene since 2020. She received her BA in Dance from SEAD – Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance in 2019. She is a founding member of the Berlin performance and dance community and network - nein9 - which focuses on artist-to-artist care and support systems. She has been part of STREAM, a Tanzfabrik Berlin platform for texts motivated by Live Art since its foundation in 2020. As a dancer, she has worked with choreographers, visual artists, filmmakers, and musicians.
As a creator, she works interdisciplinary and collaboratively, and her works are deeply situational. In them, she touches on questions of queer non-human ontologies and agencies and their application to co-existence. Her previous works include continuing containing, in 2022, with dance artist Raz Mantell , eventually, in 2021, with musician Jonathan Nagel, and womb in 2020, with musician Cesar B. and visual artist Christian Awe. Methodologies and mannerisms of collaboration, humility, flexibility, inclusivity, and intersectionality are at the heart of how she approaches each production.